Friday 22 April 2011

First step,Sitemap

The first step you need to take is to get a xml type of site map of your site pages.this is recomended by google and other search
engines that you should place a sitemape of your site in the directory were you have uploaded your site,that robots can easily know about the content and pages of your site,you can get xml sitemap from the following in less then three minutes.

Google webmaster tools
just get a google webmater tools account to use the best faetures that google has provided to to manage and list your site,these tool provide you with comlete info about your site,you can easily add a new site by logging in to your webmaster,s account,google will also let you make a robots text fill to place with your site files for the guidence of you will add your site google will reach it and index your pages in less then one week.
Yahoo site explorer
The same service offered by yahoo,if you have a yahoo account just go yahoo site explorer and cheke or add your sites there,thus yahoo is less flexible then google but still it is a good way to get your site indexed by yahoo.

Web master center Bing
As you have completed all steps to get your site indexed you will just need to log on to msn and on the webmasters page you can easily tell them about your wbsite.

Google is smart enough

They are running a very big system and they can not leave it in some wrong people,s hands.
They have very powerful
tracking system.Do keep in mind that Google is smart enough to track down the illegal activities of your adsense account and sooner or later such accounts get banned. Google adsense uses multiple algorithms to detect click fraud and consequently ban an account.

If you have done this
If you realy have tried to get invalid clicks there is rare chance to get yuor account back.
So, all you need to do is to apply for a new one with changed address, IP, and payee name and restart your adsense career. You can use your relative’s name/address which you can change it later.
if you you have done nothing wrong
you have got a big chanc to get your account back if your side is clear.When you are confident that you haven’t done anything wrong against Terms and Conditions of Google Adsense.
try the following steps.
Collect all the information
If you can collect all the information which can help you defend your case with google. You need to know if a friend, family member, or employee (i.e. someone under your control) clicked your ads. Did you ask someone to click? Did you click by accident? Gather the facts, even if they reveal actual invalid clicks.
Appeal form
There is a simple form to fill when you want to appeal.Be honest, truthful, and tell Google what happened. If you have no knowledge of invalid clicks, say that. If someone accidentally clicked, explain that. If a visitor maliciously clicked repeatedly, tell Google the story. You’ve got nothing to lose at this point.
Give it one week time
When you fill out this form it says it’s going to take 48 hours to process your appeal. But it may take longer than expected, so keep yourself cool and be mentally prepared for it.
No answer?Appeal for atleast three times
Do not leave the hope,If you don’t get any response from Google Adsense within a week which means your account is still banned, then appeal again. Be polite, professional, and honest. Dig back through your information and see if you missed something that might be important.

How i Joined Infolinks ?

As Infolinks arised at a good position among the top in text advertising programmes like many other publishers i was also intrested to get some real info about the programme before starting number of services claim to be the best and even claim to be having more payouts then Adsense.butt nothing comes out at the end just a traditional  type of services.i searched for review and comments about infolinks and most of them were incouraging.some good info sites revealed that infolinks has very good payout and a eCPM about $3.i visited their site and found “Infolinks Highest Revenue Share Guarantee”.so i decieded to jump in.i sent an account request which was accepted in 24 hours.i was provided i small code to add in my pages and the ads started appearing in few hours.
Infolinks 1-Minute Integration
I was little worried about the process,and thinking that i will have to do some work with the words of all pages in my site.but there was nothing like that it took me about 5 minutes to add the code and ads were there automatiaclly.
My Earnings with Infolinks
As the ads started to appear this was the time to evaluate the “Infolinks Highest Revenue Share Guarantee”.durring first two days there were less revelent ads butt after that they were right on target.i countinued to check the reports page for my earnings and i found a very good response.after one week my eCPM was about $2 with a good CTR.per click payout is also incourging.
Their lowest payout limit is $100,Infolinks Publishers receive payments via their preferred choice of Infolinks Prepaid Mastercard® (powered by Payoneer), PayPal, bank wire transfer or ACH
Click here to join the best in-text advertising solution
I have contacted for three times with infolinks staff,first before directly applying my account i asked them to check my site if it can be approved,the personal email response was there in three hours,they welcomed me to join Infolinks.Second contact was when i sent my account request and i recieved approval mail in 24 hours.
And the third time recently i sent a mail to their staff when i wanted to ask about the eCPM fluctation and keyword selection again a quick answer not automated but personal response was there,their staff told me all the things which were really helpful for me.

The Top 10 Alternatives to Google Adsense

If you're a publisher,yuo can fibd Adbrite more and more helpful to you just as you start, use AdBrite to set your own ad rates, and approve or reject every ad that's purchased for your site or just have AdBrite auto accept ever ad. AdBrite enables you to instantly sell ads to your visitors via a "Your Ad Here" link, in addition to selling through AdBrite's marketplace and sales team.
If you're using AdBrite on your website you also have the option to turn off AdBrite's "run-of-network ads" and AdBrite will only display ads that have been approved by you allowing you to prevent competitors ads being shown on your site. If you have no ads running, AdBrite will display nothing but "Your Ad Here" or your alternative ad provider.

Note, from my experiences it can take a day or so from when you signup with AdBrite and put their code on your website to actually start seeing relevant ads showing up. So if you see the message "Advertize on this site" just be patient and give it a day or so and you should start seeing relevant ads showing up.
Clicksor is one of the current leaders of the small publisher Adsense competition. They have payouts upto a market leading 85% and unlike a number of alternatives the cost per click bid values are high enough that you can earn a decent income. They are also, in my experience, much more tollerant than Google. Their terms and conditions suggest that you should only place one copy of their code on a page but as long as you only place a single pop-up or DHTML code on a page they seem happy to let you place many context sensitive ad blocks on a single site.
Bidvertiser can be a useful alternative to Google and offer some intriguing ad formats including what they refer to as free design. This lets you specify the look and dimensions of your text ads. While a useful feature I have not investigated how well it works but imagine that while it sounds good on paper it could result in lower priced ads being displayed. I.e. most advertisers will probably want to keep control of the layout of their ads and so turn off support for Free design ads.

Bidvertizer pays you either in $25.00 increments by check or $10.00 increments by PayPal.
Chitika doesn't really stand alone as a single advertising solution but instead provides you with a way to compliment your existing advertising / publishing program with some additional Ad Units which are altogether different from the standard ad boxes, pop-unders etc that everybody else provides. Instead of displaying these 'industry standard' advert boxes with text and image ads that all look the same they instead provide active boxes that show targeted products from different manufacturers. If you run a blog for example and discuss a product you may find the chitika box showing links for this product and competitors products. If people purchase these products you get a paid a commission. This is referred to as impulse marketing in the form of Premium Ad Units (eMinimalls). Feel free to give it a try although I think the ideal use of this service would be as a compliment to another advertizers service. E.g. you could show Clicksor context sensitive ads on your site and then compliment these with Chitika's eMinimalls.
The newest technology by AdToll is a Peel Away Ad technology that shows a peel on the top right hand side of a web site. When the mouse moves over the peel it opens smoothly to reveal the advert within. This new ad format allows you to make use of the lesser used, yet highly visible top corners of web sites. It is very non intrusive to the site visitor. Since it uses a small amount of space, it is efficient use of web site real estate. An additional plus is that such a new advertising format always draws curious clicks for visitors.
Exit Junction
By adding a small piece of Exit Junction code to the header section of your site users are shown an advert as they hit the back button. For example, if a user came to your site from a Google search and then immediately hit the back button to return to that search they would be shown an Exit Junction Ad in between your page and the Google search and you get paid for this impression. The ad is directly targeted to the search term that brought the visitor to your site in the first place. Hence Exit Junction is an ideal way of complimenting your existing ad services and so increasing your sites revenue without having to switch from your current ad provider.
Yahoo Publisher Network
Yahoo are currently playing catch up to Google and are trying to release their own context sensitive advertising service. This promises to be an excellent alternative to Google Adsense but in reality is likely to be a simple copy with the same restrictive terms and conditions as Google, including $100 minimums on payouts. The system seems to have been in beta test for several years now, perhaps explaining why Yahoo as a company is suffering. Unfortunately while you can visit their site and sign up to register for an account don't expect to actually hear back from them. They are either extremely selective or are simply not accepting new publishers and advertisers, either way they won't even bother to get back to you to let you know this and most applicants won't even receive a reply saying their application has been rejected. Thus until it goes live and it becomes clear what type of website owners Yahoo will be targeting I cannot place it any higher in this list.

Increasing traffic and optimization

More traffic means more money for web engine optimization is the most important thing to raise the number of visitors to your site.SEO depends on lot of things or you can say it consists of lot of things.there are number of different ways to get more and more traffic for your web site.
Page title
page title is key to your route of a successful web title shows on the explorer top when your page is opened.but never the less it is something that will guide search engine robots to get an idea of your page,s content.never add too many words in your title it will not cleare that what have you got on the page.try to be specific and to the point.use penetrating and effective combination of words to use in your title.
Page description
along with your page title the page description is also a guidline towards the content of your page.a main factor you must not forget is that description incourages or discourages a number of people to jump into site or leave it.again keywords are the tool to attract more and more visitors.the words should describe clearly what you have in your site to get targeted traffic.
Meta tags
this is the combination of main key words that you will specify in every page,sHTML.although google and other main search engines are paying lee attention to mata tags but these key words are still very can do a brief search to get most effective key words for better optimization.there are a number of key word research tools available including google key word search can cheke any of them to get right key words according to the content and nature of your web site.
Search engine submission
no one will aytomaticaly come to your site even it is online for a long will have to introduce your site to all major engines.for google,it is easy,get a web master account submit your site and the sitemap containing the detail of your should be in xml formate for google to pick it.this is how google will indexe all of your web urls.also try to sumitt your site to all ,major search engines,web directriesand communities.
Links are important
links realy help your web site to grow in traffic and page rank.there are two main types of links,links which are starting from your page to other pages and the links which guide the people from other sites to your site.links coming to your site are back links.if you can get some links from some good sites this will be a great and out links are also a big source of traffic from different regions.there should be special work to improve your lnks.
Website content
always keep tracking that what you are offering and what you provide people on your and updated content according to people,s choice is the key to should make an easy to navigate and approachable menu system.a person should not feel it tough to find something which your pages have in not make any content reachable after a number of clicks.well managed data is easy to access.

Best Ways to make money from your website

When you have made a good site and have reasonable traffic for it,now it is the best time to make money from your not be too quick because it takes time for a site grow and be a good standerd,however patience will give you better results.
On one singal site there are number of ways that you can use to make money.what you need is a bit of managment and some good sources.your site will generate good income for you.

PPC Advertising
Most commone and easy way to make money from your website is ppc can place image and text ads on your pages and you make money when these ads are make more money as you get more traffic but main thing is click through rate,that how many visiters ckick your ads.and this ends on the placement of your ads and the looking of them as this will effect a lot on your ctr.Google adsense is known by all but there are other many good names which you can check from the link.

CPM(cost per mille)
CPM advertising is nearly same as ppc,but this looks bit easy to make money as you can get a fix amount for the number of pageviews your site is producing.the is set for per thousand pageviews.the amount per thousand can be from $1 to $10.but there are no worries of ctr,you will not have to work for your ads to be clicked.we can say it a bit easy way but it also depends upon the number of visiters of your site.Burst Media,Value click ,
Tribal Fusion,Right Media are good examples of it.

In-text Advertising
In this way you can use the text of your website to make money.the method almost works with all other advertisement programes.some words or phrases which you use in your text are highlighted in other colours nad mouse over opens a link for get paid whaen the ad is clicked.has low payouts but works good on text rich bloges and can find this type of ads from KONTERA,INFOLINKS and ADBRIGHT.

Affiliate Programes
Affiliate programes are also good way of getting the benifit from your visiters.ther are unlimited number of programes available for you to join but you need to be selective in this can sale any product through your web site and easily can get the commission.but before that search for some good names and products which people like.Commission Junction
ClickBank,Azoogle Ads will provide good working in affiliate programe.

Direct ad Search
Any advertisement you will join will tak some part of your earning,and some of them take more and give you should think about direct ad method,as you will have to give it little time but all the income will come straight to can find the advertisers from adwords and other networks.once you will get some people start working with you,you will find this big source of income for you.

Adsense Questions and Answers

When anybody thinks about making money online,tries to search some way to earn online he may find the name of Google adsense,but as adsense is not an easy rout to go much information is required to start adsense,so there is a big number of questions which come to mind,specially those who are begginers need info about a number of are some most asked questions asked about adsense.

Question 1:What is Google adsense,How i can earn with google adsense?
Answer:Google adsense is an advertisement programe which displays relevent contexual ads on your web site or earn money when anyone clicks those ads from your page.

Question 2:How can i start Google Adsense?
Answer: You need a blog or web site to start adsense,if you have one just get your adsense account and start adsense.

Question 3:Can i start google adsense form Pakistan ?
Answer:yes,you can start google adsense from almost anywere.

Question 4:Will Google allow me to start adsense on a web site which is in urdu?
Answer:No,Urdu is not a Google adsense supported language,But you can use Urdu with English language keeping English as your site,s main language.

Question 5:Does Google accept all types of sites?
Answer:No,There are limitations,sites related to porn,gambling,hacking,copyright content are not accepted by Google,you can see full details in TOS.

Question 6:Is Google adsense a good way to earn online in Pakistan?
Answer:Google adsense is very seccessful online earning way,through adsense you can make good money in Pakistan.

Qustion 7:A big number of adsense accounts are blocked in Pakistan,why?
Answer:New adsense accounts and account blockage run countinously through out the world.As people from Pakistan and other areas try to get invalid clicks using different ways,but they are spoted by google and their account gets blocked.

Question 8:I started a site but my adsense earning is very low,why?
Answer:Adsense earning is directly related to your site traffic you realy need to work hard to improve your site traffic,quality content and daily working is requried to get good traffic.

Question9:My adsense ads are not getting much clicks,what should i do?
Answer:you need to work and experiment with your ad colours and placement,you need to know that what people try to find on your site and what kind of ad will attract them.try different places and colours for your ads.

Question 10:Can i add content to my site from other sites?
Answer:This will cause you trouble soon and later,copying and pasting data from other sites is never a good way to develope a website,do not try to search an easy way.

Question 11:If i get 2000 visitors daily how much can i earn?
Answer:From $10 to $ 400,but still nothing correct as there are about 50 factors which are involved to determine the amount you are going to make.

Question 12:Can i get back my blocked Adsense account?
Answer:Not in all cases,it dependes upon the reasone of acconut blockage.if you are simply not involved in any thing you should appeal againt it you may get is back,but if you have realy done something wrong there is no chance.

Question 13:Should i work on a single site or try to run more sites for better adsense earnings?
Answer:More sites a better option but you will have to work hard to maintain them.

Question 14:What is CTR?
Answer:CTR means click through rate,the pecentage of your visitors clicking your ads,if you get 100 visitors and 3 of them click on your ads your CTR is 3%.

Question 15:What is a page impression?
Answer:A page impression is counted when any page of a site is loaded,page impressions are always more then the visits you get.